Monday, January 24, 2011


shhhh...this totally undignifies my quilting status.

This is the first time EVER I have changed a blade. and I only have one cutter.

It was fast and painless - like, less than 10 seconds to do it.

HOLY COW the new one rocks!!!

So, I've confessed. what quilting sin are you guilty of?


  1. Using polyester thread when I should use cotton...I dont expect any of my quilts will be in use for the next 100 years or so ...

    (Dont tell anyone - crap I think I typed this out loud )

  2. I just changed my blade too! It was so dull, I could hardly cut 2 layers.
    My quilty sin is not always getting that perfect 1/4"...even with a special foot, my machine makes a slightly larger seam. Sometimes I'm in a hurry and forget, then my blocks are off.

  3. Knowing that Lily, the dog, has probably walked all over every quilt top I have made.. She is my inspector after all! Oh and quilting when I should have been cooking for the family.

  4. I've just bought a new blade for my rotary cutter. I've made over 20 quilts with it in 3 years.
    Glad to know it's easy to change. Maybe in the next year or so I'll get around to it...

  5. Susan6:15 PM

    Well, it's not a quilting sin...but I can't remember the last time I oiled my machine. And the machine I had for 25 years before this new one...I think I oiled it three times.

    The first thing my mom does when she comes over is check to see if my machine needs oiling LOL...

  6. I oil my Featherweight regularly,but I hardly EVER take my pricey machine for servicing. It's having some minor problems. I'm torn between spending the money, which I would rather spend on fabric, or letting it go a while longer...

  7. I use cheap thread for quilting. Since I only quilt for myself, it's only a crime against myself, not humanity, so I rest easy at night.

  8. I've never gotten my sewing machine serviced and I don't clean out the lint as often as I should. That's my confession- please forgive me!

  9. I confess that there is so much loose thread on the floor of my sewing room that if it were one piece I could probably make a quilt. I know, gross, but I would rather sew than clean. Maybe it will weave itself into something nice!

  10. haha, this post made me laugh. I actually love to change my blade (although I hate the cost associated with it). I NEVER clean or service my machine. Recently I was quoted a service cost that's more than my machine is worth...I'll just take the risk and keep plugging along. :)

  11. Never ever never prewashed any of my quilting fabrics...and never had an accident where fabric has subsequently run when I've washed the finished quilt.

  12. Wow, that is an impressive time with one blade! I notice the difference with a new one after only one or two quilts.

    My guilty secret is being lazy about cutting by the time I get round to block number 3,000 (or so it feels) on a larger quilt. The first few blocks are perfect, then they go progressively downhill...

  13. So what does it say about me if I'm pretty much guilty of ALL of the above?? Not oiling/servicing my machine, not using pins, not cleaning the thread off the floor, not changing the blade regularly, not pre-washing my fabrics, using polyester thread... yep, I think you got them all... and I'd rather pretend to not see any little folds than use a shhhh! seamripper!!

  14. danic , if that's true - I think you're my long lost twin sister!

  15. No prewashing at my house...that was easy to confess the other a more delicate nature... little spit goes a long way when putting squares together, I lick my fingers now and gross is that??? In my defense...I wash every quilt as soon as it's finished.

  16. At Shay - cross my heart, it is true! And we just LOVE QUILTING, right? :)

  17. i wait forever to change my blades too. i think it makes me appreciate the new ones so much more! :)

  18. I never change the needles in any of my sewing machines. Well they get changed when one breaks. Not good. I should do that more often.


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