Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bathroom Reno..

We knew there was some work to do on the house when we moved in... painting has been ongoing here and is almost done. Just a few more rooms to go. The bathroom was a biggie, one that we are just not experienced enough to tackle.
**insert cheesy sixties disco ambient music now...

Gorgeous sauna siding....
Yes, that's a yellow toilet, yellow sink, and yellow tub.

We didn't want anything fancy or upscale - just something up to date, clean, white and energy efficient. (That toilet tank took about 5 minutes to fill!)

When the contractors came to gut and reno...we found moisture damage...and HOW! The subfloor that was put in under the lino was fibre board - which totally sucks up moisture like a sponge.

no decor yet...this is bare bones ...
toilet hasn't even been peed in yet in this photo!

We put up one of those curved shower rods for our bath - what a HUGE difference in space it makes when taking a shower! highly recommended.

Onto sewing related posts next time... promise ;-)


  1. Oooohhh!! MUCH better! (Is that a crest on the before toilet seat?) My first house had a robin's egg blue toilet, sink and bathtub... what were people thinking? You can't exactly just slap a coat of paint on those things...

    I love the black cabinet. (I have been thinking of painting my kitchen cabinets black- so far just thinking.) This looks SO nice!!!

  2. Begone, Harvest Gold! Begone, water damage - fiber board subfloor, what were they thinking?!? Hope you saved that sauna siding, could be useful elsewhere (like flooring for a closet perhaps?). It looks fabulous, what a pleasure it is to make your home truly your own!

  3. I love the curved shower rod - I could never go back.

  4. We have the EXACT same tub. And the square version on the sink. Sadly, 7 years after moving in we still have them. Your new version looks great (and makes me very jealous)

  5. Lily Lazecki4:48 PM

    Your new bathroom is fabulous! LOVE the dark wood.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous!

    P.S. my word verification word was "ampotty." Do you think they really meant "dampotty"?

  7. oh, my, what a vast improvement! i love your new bathroom.


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