Thursday, April 15, 2010

Making old, new.

My local thrift shop had these King Sheet sets on sale for 1/2 off. They stuffed them in this handsome Abercrombie bag. I think I turned fuschia pink walking out with this bag, but hey...afterwards I kinda stared for awhile and thought... hm, not bad!
(what's better, the fabric or the bag?)
I was eyeing these sheets awhile back. They are pristine - like I really don't think they were ever used. I bought them not because they were on sale, but because they are colours that I dread (aside from hunter green). Peach, dusty rose and pale pink. Pale pink is pretty easy, but peach? I could do the safe brown and peach, or go 80's with the aqua and peach combo. I'll need to hash this out. If anyone wants the challenge, I've got two king pillow cases of the peach, and two king flat sheets in it. Also have two king p/c's of the roses as well.

Awhile back Evelyn at UseTheLoot was clearing out some of her obsessioncollection of vintage bed linens. She was stuffing envelopes full of fq's and selling them off for a great price. I took full advantage. Thanks Evelyn! Aren't they pretty? I am no longer shopping for vintage thrifted sheets anymore. I'm done. ;-)

I have been slowly working on a quilt project, but life and spring (see comments ahead) is kind of taking priority. I finally figured out (I think) my machine - it needs a different size needle for quilting than it does for piecing. Halleluljah!

Spring is trying to peek through.... I've been making a very big effort to put exercise into my daily regime and have been walking 3.5km every other night. The dog has no clue what the heck has happened! LOL. My feet (not my legs) feel like they weigh 20 pounds when I'm out there though, I'm hoping that stage passes. I am so totally out of shape muscular wise - endurance wise I can handle it no problem...but I think this past year or two of figuring out my health has put me two steps back in the fitness dept. I need to be patient. This diabetes thing is a scary and tolling thing emotionally. Physically, it has shown me who's boss too, and I need to push back and show IT who's boss. That's where the exercise comes in - here's hoping I come out on top of it all....
Hope you all have a great week!!


  1. my parents totally had that blue and white floral print in the bottom right on their bed when I was growing up. It brings back memories :)

  2. You need to consider those colours as simply lights of te brighter colours. Mix in medium and even dark tones of pink/peach and you have the potential for some good luminescence.

    And on that hunter green, I thought of you the other day when I passed a barn. Painted white with a satrip or turquoise around the bottom and a dark green roof.

    Good for you on the exercise front! Our bodies are strange creatures, but it is always good to to be good to it. And exercise is always good. Hang in there.

  3. What sheets?? Oh wait a minute, there they are...I was too busy drooling over the bag :)

  4. Hi Andrea!

    Love the loot...and the bag :0). Not bad (2 for 1)

    The vintage sheets are beautiful and I can't wait to see what you do with them! Will you mix them w/solids?

    Anyway, take control and show your body who is boss! You can do...slow ans steady if you have to.

  5. your vintage sheets look so comfy! cant wait to see what they become! you are so braving pushing limits of fabrics that you don't love! good for you!

    good luck also on the exercise front...ive been working out since the beginning of the year...little to no progress, but i do feel better and have more energy!!

  6. Luv 2 Kreate--very funny! Yes, I had the same response.

    All those beautiful vintage sheets. I haven't jumped on that bandwagon so I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

    Good for you for walking. I renewed my gym membership--by doing it online--so the only thing that has gotten exercise so far was my fingers on the keyboard when I renewed!

  7. Knowing you, you will figure out something fabulous for the sheets!Good for you, for taking back control!

  8. Love your picture of the sheets - it always gives me a thrill to see them on someone else's blog. (And why are everyone else's pictures always better than mine, huh?) Can't wait to see what you make with them! And great job with the exercise - it definitely does get easier quickly, so just stick with it!

  9. When I landed on your blog page I thought, "oh my!" LOL That bag is a serious attention grabber.

    I have recently started collecting vintage sheets and I'm in love. You have a wonderful assortment!

    Jennifer :)

  10. Hey, I will pass on the fabbie but would grab the bag hahahahahah what abs.Thank you for sharing on Moda Bake Shop, love your quilt. Happy Stitching


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