Friday, September 25, 2009

Neat Blog...

My friend Mel, who needs to ahem get a blog and show off her work (hint hint), emailed me this link for 365 Days of Freemotion Quilting Designs

It is an incredible quilter who has made it a project to demonstrate a new freemotion quilting design each day.   The video tutorials are excellent, she describes the difficulty level for each one, and I really love the ideas.   I think I may need to invest in some bulk thread in the near future!  

Go see her blog...and check out all of the designs for inspiration.  I especially love her names for all of them!  I especially love double pebble and pebbles in a stream....

In quilting news.  Well, there is no news.  Thus, I spread the word of interesting reads for you....
I'll have something soon enough.  I think I'm going to put my wonky blogs on hold for awhile and sink my teeth into a project that will get me more motivated.    Oh no!!  I will now have TWO (wonky quilt and finish machine quilting my vintage bed sheets quilt) works in progress.... ACK! That's so not me! I finish what I start!   

1 comment:

  1. I just found her site last week. It is amazing the ideas she has come up with. I took a machine quilting class two weeks ago which is motivating me to do more then just stippeling!


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