Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Plain Spoken colour thoughts

When I initially received my colour palette for my Plain Spoken quilt, I was enraptured by the beauty of them together.  When I cut out the pieces and started piecing them randomly (as was instructed) I started thinking uh oh.  This looks gross.

Here's what I mean.  These are only 6 of the 16 colours in the quilt.

And now, after having the 120 something blocks laid out on the floor in the midst of leap frog chain piecing, I'm enraptured again.
When combined with a multitude of other colours and placed randomly together, they look stunning again. 
So, look at the homely combinations above, and stay tuned for the finale later on...

Have you ever pieced colour combinations together that you thought would not work, and in the end they did?   I bet that happens with pattern and texture as well. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you kept at it! looking forward to seeing more :)


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