Wednesday, May 04, 2011


tap tap.


I'm here. almost FIVE months later. Here's the lowdown. If you're interested in a sewing post, move on.

I started running.
I took a break from running.
While taking a break from running, I gutted my master ensuite and renovated it by myself.
My husband got a job. In a different city.
I put my house up for sale.
We have a pending offer on it.
We went to Disneyland.
We went on a Disney Cruise.
I am moving to Calgary in about 2 months.

I puttered and beautified my garden and house to sell it.

As for sewing. Nothing. But lots of ideas. I'm hoping that once things settle, do they ever? I will begin to sew again. My creativity misses it.

Next on the agenda-
start running again.
confirm sale of house by end of week.
call movers, get quotes.
be even keeled for kids and appear calm and organized while husband moves to new city to start new job.
pretend that i don't miss him terribly.
enjoy better weather.
find new home in new city. (husband is in charge of 90% of this. I will visit to say yes or no)
eat icecream daily to appear calm and organized while husband is away.
celebrate 40th birthday.
reunite as a family.


  1. Wow! I'm tired just reading all that!

    Good luck with your move and all your new beginnings. Can't wait to see your new sewing space :)

  2. I agree, that is tiring just reading about it. Best of luck with everything.

  3. Well hello. Good to hear from you. I don't envy you right now, but I am thinking of you. Glad you checked in.

  4. Oh my goodness!
    I'm so excited that you're coming here. Let me know what I can do to help with the process. I have two neighbours that are real estate agents. Can't wait to welcome you here.
    Hang in there in the meantime.

  5. ... so... tired... from reading... post... must... have... ice cream... HAHA. I am so impressed with everything you have gotten done. WTG Lady!

    Sewing will wait. Blogging will wait. The kiddos can't. (And the ice cream might melt.)

  6. Whew! I'm tired, but relieved. You have been on my mind SOO often, wondering if you are okay. Thanks so much for the update. It must seem like you just went through the whole process of packing and moving...

  7. Wow, I am sure you are tired. Keep plugging along. We will be here, thinking of you, when you surgace again.

  8. I don't know, I thought I wanted to be you after I read your post! All fun and new and well, I would like more sewing, but really, how great to have all these new very fun things going on!!! Except for missing the hubs, that's not fun, but only temporary. I was wondering where you were, I love your blog!

  9. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Lots of exciting changes going on for you. Hope your move goes very smoothly and that you love your new city. It is a beautiful area.

  10. geez louise! what a schedule you keep! fingers crossed for you that it goes smoothly!

  11. ahh...i'be been checking in on you fairly regularly waiting for an update. jackpot!
    your life sounds crazy tiring at the moment and I can't believe you are moving again!!
    oh well, such is life. (I love the running part.)
    I hope all goes smoothly for your sell, purchase and while you are doing the single mom thing. good luck and keep us posted along the way.

  12. Was hoping all was ok with you when there were no posts for so long - that happens sometimes! Are you happy to be moving back to AB? Hope all goes smoothly for you and your family over the next few months and that you all settle in nicely in Calgary!

  13. I did it's nice not to have to wonder any more!

  14. Hey, buddy, I've missed you! Glad to hear you are OK and keeping that even keel. Calgary next, eh? You'll do fine there I think! Keep us posted, even if it's just the occasional photo of box-towers! Let me know your preferred brand of ice cream, I'll buy stock!

  15. Glad to hear you are doing okay. I hope Calgary will be a good move for you. I know you had been excited about moving back to B.C. Let us know how things go.

  16. oh dear - didn't you just move from alta to bc??

    less than a year ago???

    which way is up???



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