Sunday, January 30, 2011

makes me laugh...

My five year old advised me out of the blue today that for my birthday he was getting me a new pair of blue shoes.

and a squirrel.
my birthday is not until mid May...


  1. Sounds like a man with a plan!

    Maybe he's planning on buying your squirrel in say February and holding onto it till May. Are squirrels cheaper in February?

    Like the idea of blue fun shoes myself !

  2. Boys crack me up. I'm sure a squirrel makes all the sense in the world to him as a gift that must SURELY be on your list...

  3. HAHA! That's awesome. Is it going to be a LIVE squirrel?

  4. OK - your little man has a plan! The squirrel-idea is really cool ;-))

  5. So the squirrel is going to live in the shoe? Or are the shoes really really tiny, and the squirrel is going to wear them? Either way, that's pretty cute ;-)

  6. You gotta love that he is thinking ahead.

  7. Found you through Moda Bake Shop! I'll be coming back for sure!

  8. Too cute - makes you laugh. Great to write it down because its so easy to forget all the funny things kids come up with!


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