Monday, July 26, 2010

and begin...

I don't know why I am posting. Maybe to appease guilt that I haven't posted? Why do I have guilt? That's crazy. It's MY blog.

So there's tragic news here at Millions of Thoughts. I cannot find my camera charger. Therefore I cannot upload photos because my camera is dead. I know.

Movers come in 3 days.. EeeP! I will be in temporary accomodation (meaning - scramble to pack a months worth of stuff in my car ) for a month before we move into our new home in September.

But to increase my stress levels, I figured I'd do a giveaway. You see, awhile back, I purchased a superhero cross stitch pattern from Wee Wonderfuls. There was a glitch in the mail system and I never received it. The lovely owner sent a new one to me. Well, both patterns came then at nearly the same time ( I think one was a postage error). She included an additional hand stitch pattern as an apology, which was unecessary, but nice to do. Isn't this turtlestuffie cute? I asked her if she would mind if I give the extra away and she was fine with it.

So, tell me which pattern you would like to win?

I'll draw two names on Tuesday night and mail them out on Wednesday...

and of course, no you don't need to blog about this or add me as a friend or put a bumper sticker on the car about this to get more entries.... but you do need to be reachable. I won't play tag with you for weeks. So, make sure your blogger profile name allows email replies, or add an email contact to your comment.

enjoy your day....


  1. ha! I really wanted to put a bumper sticker on my car to win this giveaway. :) Thanks for making fun of those silly giveaways. :)

    The superhero pattern is so cute (I tried one of her wool felt stuffie patterns and promptly set it down because I have no patience for softies...)

  2. nice to hear from you Andrea...especailly since i just thought of you!! look what i saw in blogland!!

    your patterns are both be thrilled with i HAVE to pick one?

    best of luck getting the correct things packed up for the month!

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    have a great move - my good friend lives in the area you are moving to.
    i Love the superhero pattern. would be thrilled to win it. I see pillowcases for my kids and all their friends :)
    cheers, sherry

  4. I hope your move goes well for you. I would love to win the superhero pattern.

  5. Thank you for a simple giveaway. YAY!
    I love the superhero pattern!

  6. Thanks for the fun giveaway! I actually already have the superhero pattern, but I'd love the turtle! Good luck with the move.

  7. I don't want to enter the giveaway but I do want to say 'hear hear' re your comments about what you don't have to do to enter your giveaway. Totally agree and wish more people were like you!

  8. Karen In NC10:56 AM

    Oh, the turtle is adorable. My little one would love it! Hope the move goes great.

  9. Theresa10:14 PM

    I don't want either, because I can't sew, but I am very excited to be seeing you soon. You will be very close to me in August as we are in North B. You and the boys can come and hang in the back yard if you like or we can go somewhere to burn their endless energy on.

  10. i'd love the turtle hand stitch stuffie.

    nicely put... as to how you ended up with 2 of the same pattern..

    bless your heart!!


  11. Super heroes for sure. And good luck with the move. Hope it goes smoothly.

  12. Hope the move goes smoothly! I love the superheroes cross stitch. My 4 year old is so into superheroes right now and it would be fun to make something for him.

  13. I so love the turtle stuffie!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com


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