Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June motors along...

Confetti blocks for one of my bees. I've really admired the look of these quilts on flickr.. .they look so neat. We were to make a signature block with our favourite fabrics for the 'confetti' and I chose some solids. As I look at some of the new fabric lines coming out, I realize how much I like very simple fabrics and simple lines - only 2, maybe 3 colours in a print - and very simple lines in a print. the more white/ black to balance it, the better. How very IKEA of me. LOL. When I look at say, an Amy Butler print, or Anna Maria Horner - I love the look of it, yet I would never really purchase it for my quilting. I absolutely adore Kafe Fassett prints and saturated colours, yet I only admire them in the stores and never pick any up. deep thoughts on a Tuesday morning.

My sewing area is getting downsized/transsformed during our selling/showing of our home. I'm so totally offended. *rolleyes* My two drawer caddies of fabric have been hidden in the storage room. Such a sad time. :( I refuse to pack the machine away though until the very last moment...I still have some flying geese blocks to make for my other bee group.

My home has been transformed into one that is very lackluster - very bare. But if it sells better this way, then I guess that's the way it will be. I'm tired from this work - need to escape to do something creative, but will feel guilty about it, because there's still so much to do!

Feeling the 'obligation' of quilting and blogging right now. When you need to downsize everything and pack away anticipating a move you wonder - will I get my mojo back? Will people still wait for me?? Isn't that silly? Crazy? I need a vacation - I'm waiting for my recently purchased stitching project to come in so I can do something fun in my spare time....it's been awhile, I hope it comes soon! Isn't this cute?


  1. Those blocks look wonderful! I'm loving purple right now so these look just awesome to me.

    Jennifer :)

    PS: please don't stress over my blocks!

  2. Thanks for posting your confetti blocks! I'm still pondering how to go about the construction of mine. Good luck selling the house! It stinks that your space has been downsized/repurposed, but I'm sure you'll be itching to get back to it when the time comes.

  3. Good luck on the sale! Crossing my fingers for a fast sale.

    Hmm, I wonder if my Baba would have ever made those superheroe...

  4. That is a super cute stitching project and I love your bee blocks!

  5. You're worth the wait! Hope things go well for you.


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