Friday, February 12, 2010

Olympic Countdown...

I'm on pins and needles. You can feel the vibe everywhere, and we're a 12 hour drive from Vancouver! My friends and family in Vancouver say the feeling around town is unbelievable!

The opening ceremonies will be a tear jerker for me I'm sure. There's much speculation and secrecy about who will light the Olympic Flame...and I'm routing for one special person. And if speculation runs true, it will be absolutely unbelievable.

I have diet coke, ice cream and kleenex box ready!


  1. Do tell! Who are you hoping for?

  2. My guess is Gretzky, but I just don't know. Could be someone like Kurt Browning? Or maybe the Governor General? So excited here too. Still sad I missed the torch because of my knees.

  3. I'm with you! I love the Olympics.

  4. Glued to the tv waiting for the opening ceremonies to start!!!!

  5. I love the winter olympics! It's cool having them so close by. My good friends fly out Sunday morning to spend a week there, sans kids.

  6. Okay I've teared up so many times already...the ceremonies are just beautiful. I can't imagine how they must be in person.

    Go Canada!

  7. Well wasn't that a party. what a spectular event, dispite a couple of hicups!! I was a little disappointed it was Wayne, we were hoping Michael J Fox, or Nancy Greene. We had a party to celebrate the event. Now I want to watch it again in silence!


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