Recently I have been introduced to farm/acreage and horses. I love them. Each experience I left feeling like I found my home, my place to be.
The first was our neighbour's farm. They farm barley, wheat, oats and peas. It was could see for miles, and the sense of freedom and peace out there was amazing....
The other experience was at our friend's horse boarding farm. She boards her horse near Calgary. We were on a trip back home from the Rockies, and stopped by for a visit. I'd never been WITH horses before, and we went out to the field to get Floyd. Well all of the horses started following and surrounding us. It was incredible. They were right near us and it was beautiful. A little frightening at first!
The open air, the wide open space, the chill in the air, the dirt. So great.
Can't seem to post the damn pic right now, but will soon/
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